Mandarin Cell Group ions: size 400
Welcome to our cell group: A place to share & support, studying God's words, & grow in spiritually, singing songs & have fun. We will be dig deep into Jesus' teaching and help to deal with issue relates to most current event. So that we can gain strength from the Lord to face each days challenges.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Mandarin Cell Group - 2008 Weekly Meeting

Welcome to our cell group:

Come and join our cell group meeting for studying God's words, sharing, singing songs and fun.

This group meeting will be conducting most in Mandarin, and English translation when needed.

We will be dig deep into Jesus' teaching and help to deal with issue relates to most current event. So that we can gain strength from the Lord to face each days challenges.

It will be held on every Friday evening at 7:00-9:00 pm at my place.

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